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I conduct assessments to identify and treat many mental health concerns for children and adults. These assessments are most prevalent in schools, universities, careers, and end-of-life care, but can also be used in your personal life as well to bring meaning and clarity to the struggles you are experiencing. All of the measures that I use are supported by science to ensure that they are valid and reliable.


  • Do you struggle with focus at home, school, or work?

  • Are you struggling with your academic performance?

  • Does your child need a gifted or intelligence test for school admissions?

  • Do you experience intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression, or mood fluctuations?


If you answered yes to any of the above questions, contact me today for a complimentary assessment consultation.


PsychoEducational Assessments

(Also called Educational Psychological Assessments)


A PsychEd Assessment is used to determine if you have a learning disorder, and helps to determine your strengths and weaknesses to answer questions about academic, cognitive, and social functioning. These assessments can determine learning disorders, autism, intellectual disabilities, executive functioning deficits, anxiety, depression, and memory deficits.


The process will include a complimentary assessment consultation, a clinical interview to determine academic, medical, and developmental history, the assessment testing, a results session, and a full detailed written report provided in PDF. The whole process will take approximately 6 to 8 hours, and can be booked in one day or in 2 shorter sessions, depending on your schedule.


***Are you a post-secondary student? The Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment - Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) may cover 100% of the cost to a maximum of $3,500 per loan year. Students not eligible for CSG-DSE may be eligible for reimbursement under the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities (GFD) to a maximum of $3,000. Contact us today to learn more about what additional funding is available if you qualify for the CSG-DSE and CSG-GFD.


***Many insurance benefits plans will cover full or partial assessment fees - contact your Benefits provider to inquire what coverage you may have through your benefits.


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Have you ever felt that certain activities (like school or work) are unable to keep your attention? Are you ‘hyper’ and have to be reminded to keep your focus in particular activities? You may have ADHD. This thorough assessment can be completed on children, teens, and adults, so you can be assessed no matter what life stage you are in. You will be provided with personalized and specific recommendations and strategies to promote your confidence to succeed.


The process will include a complimentary assessment consultation, a clinical interview to determine academic, medical, and developmental history, the assessment testing, a results session, and a full detailed written report provided in PDF. The whole process will take approximately 2 to 4 hours.


***Many insurance benefits plans will cover full or partial assessment fees - contact your Benefits provider to inquire what coverage you may have through your benefits.


Autism Disorder


If you are a parent who is questioning if your child is has Autism Disorder, or if you are an adult who is wondering about yourself, this assessment will explore the challenges that you face in social interaction, social communication, and restrictive/repetitive patterns of behaviour. We will explore your cognitive abilities, academic abilities, and your social, emotional, and behavioural functioning abilities. Depending on your age (or the age of your child), the standardized assessment will involve a semi-structured play session or a detailed clinical interview. Your caregivers (or you as the parent) can also participate in the assessment process to determine your (or your child’s) level of adaptive functioning, which is required if you are planning to obtain funding through the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) or other disability services.


The process will include a complimentary assessment consultation, a clinical interview to determine academic, medical, and developmental history, the assessment testing, a results session, and a full detailed written report provided in PDF. The whole process will take approximately 4 to 8 hours, depending on the age of the individual. .


***Many insurance benefits plans will cover full or partial assessment fees - contact your Benefits provider to inquire what coverage you may have through your benefits.


Gifted/School Admissions Assessment


If you are looking to admit your child into a private school or a Westmount Charter , you will need to determine if your child is considered gifted. Being gifted means that your child has an intellectual ability (FSIQ) or general ability index (GAI) within the range of 130 (+/- 5). Many schools require this assessment to be considered for admission into the gifted programs, which can set up your child for a great start to their education.

The process will include a complimentary assessment consultation, a clinical interview with the parents to determine academic, medical, and developmental history, the assessment testing with the child, a results session, and a full detailed written report provided in PDF. The whole process will take approximately 3 to 4 hours, depending on the age and skill of the child.


***Many insurance benefits plans will cover full or partial assessment fees - contact your Benefits provider to inquire what coverage you may have through your benefits.


Psychosocial Assessment


Have you ever wondered if you have a personality disorder, dissociative disorder, or a condition such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Do you suffer from anxiety and depression, and are curious how your past traumas can impact your current functioning? Do you feel different from others but are not sure why? This assessment can give you the answers to these questions.


The process will include a complimentary assessment consultation, a clinical interview to determine academic, medical, and developmental history, the assessment testing, a results session, and a full detailed written report provided in PDF. The whole process will take approximately 4 to 6 hours.


***Many insurance benefits plans will cover full or partial assessment fees - contact your Benefits provider to inquire what coverage you may have through your benefits.


Other Specialized Assessments


I also offer an additional array of specialized assessments that can be customized to your personal needs, such as stand-alone Trauma, Anxiety/Depression, Personality Disorders, Motor Vehicle Assessments, and Return to Work Assessments for those life situations where you need a scaled down version of the more detailed assessments listed above.


Please contact me today with any questions about how I can help you with your assessment needs.

Grace Phillips-Mckenzie - Diamond Psychology - Assessments and Therapy - Calgary - Yukon
Grace Phillips-Mckenzie - Diamond Psychology - Assessments and Therapy - Calgary - Yukon
Grace Phillips-Mckenzie - Diamond Psychology - Assessments and Therapy - Calgary - Yukon
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